
Before Choosing A Freelance Writer By Charlene Rashkow, Writing Stylist
Supposed you were faced with the challenge of writing an important letter, press release or web site content, yet you didn't have the skills to create something dynamic. Would you know how to choose a professional freelance writer as you explored in your favorite search engine? How can you be sure that the person you are selecting is ultimately going to be the right person, the one who can truly present you effectively?
Before choosing a freelance writer, a good rule of thumb is making sure they are willing to provide samples of their work. Do not accept samples of something they have written previously, but request samples for the project pursuant to your needs. If the writer is willing to offer a sample paragraph or two focusing on your particular subject matter, you know you are dealing with a professional. Once receiving the paragraph, you can easily determine if they will represent you in a manner that aligns with your objectives.
One other important aspect to consider before choosing a freelance writer is that no one knows you better than yourself which means never let someone
convince you that they know what's best for your particular situation. Even if something is well written but it doesn't speak to your heart and doesn't reflect your ideal, tell the writer that you are not satisfied. Writers want referrals so they should be prepared to make sure the material pleases you.
Before choosing a freelance writer or editor for your very important presentation, always remember the old adage, "You only get one chance to
make a first impression," so make sure it is a good one. If you are planning on influencing someone through the written word, seek the assistance of someone that is a compatible match.
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